Dig Doug game made in 500 characters for TweetTweetJam9


  • Dig Dug in-game music using P8SCII audio ( G#, F, etc)
?"\asil0wcgcgb2gb2ga#2ga#2ga2ga2gg#2fg#2fg#2fg#2fg2fg2fa2fb2 -"
  • Uses P8SCII for image drawing
  • Using map to track "dug" portions of the screen
  • Movement aligned to 8x8 map using button mask math
x += ((p&2)\2-(p&1)\1)*8
  • Delay/Sleep every frame to reduce FPS to accommodate moving 8 pixels per move
  • Attacking (touching) "Dragon" causes it to respawn
  • Uses pattern-fill for Dig Dug dirt creation

Uses 500 characters to implement a basic arcade-like game (no external images or sound files allowed, everything is part of the code).

fillp(0x8050)pal(0,1)for y=-1,16 do m[y]={} for x=-1,16 do m[y][x]=true end end
?"\asil0wcgcgb2gb2ga#2ga#2ga2ga2gg#2fg#2fg#2fg#2fg2fg2fa2fb2 -"
for y=24,119,8 do for x=0,127,8 do if(m[y\8][x\8])r(x,y,x+8,y+8,c[y\24+1])end end
if(i+4==u and j+4==v)i=rnd(15)\1*8 j=rnd(11)\1*8+24
cls()goto _

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